
The Company

susan.jpgSweaterheads Productions Limited was formed in 1996 to develop the Sweaterheads 

Susan Docherty, the celebrated knitwear designer, has developed the Sweaterheads  over 30 years. In that time the Sweaterheads  concept featuring 3-D knitted models of around 20 characters, spectacular knitted landscapes and sets, stories, songs, verse and scripts has evolved. Susan has proven herself a first class graphic designer. She owns Susan Docherty of Alba Ltd that publish the Sweaterheads  books and Sweaterheads Productions Ltd set up to develop the Sweaterheads  for television.

Susan with two of her daughters - Charlotte and Elaine, and Jennifer her granddaughter

The copyright and intellectual property for the Sweaterheads  is owned solely by Susan Docherty 2005 saw Susan's knitted world of Intarsia come alive with the publishing of the first two Sweaterheads  books “The Unlikely Flying Object” and “Lelooni”. On an initial run these books have proved an instant hit and orders from all over the world are still coming in. Sweaterheads  have been receiving rave reviews in many publications including Vogue Knitting. Susan visits primary schools and nurseries regularly spreading word of The Sweaterheads, she is met with great, enthusiasm each time from children, teachers and parents alike.

For many years Susan has taken two steps forward, three steps back in the development of the project. Moving forward as and when she had the funds. She has recently launched four titles on Amazon for kindle. Her fifth and sixth book “Naebeard” and "Naebeard and Lelooni", is on her pins at the moment. Due to be released on Amazon Kindle in 2017.